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Students from nearby university collaborated with locals to rebuild model replica of Otsuchi.

The original seawall was barely noticeable against the now defunct highway.

Post-disaster surveys indicated that people preferred a larger seawall to defend against future tsunamis of the same magnitude. However, over time, opinions have changed but design decisions have been approved and 14-20 meter high seawalls are…

Post-disaster surveys indicated that people preferred a larger seawall to defend against future tsunamis of the same magnitude. However, over time, opinions have changed but design decisions have been approved and 14-20 meter high seawalls are…

This project was funded by Bernard and Anne Spitzer Travel Fellowship for research projects involving travel abroad and incorporating the study of architecture, landscape architecture, or urbanism.

This shrine dedicated to the sea goddess was one of the few structures to remain standing after the tsunami even after being completely submerged.

This project was funded by Bernard and Anne Spitzer Travel Fellowship for research projects involving travel abroad and incorporating the study of architecture, landscape architecture, or urbanism.

This project was funded by Bernard and Anne Spitzer Travel Fellowship for research projects involving travel abroad and incorporating the study of architecture, landscape architecture, or urbanism.

The city hall has not yet been demolished because the residents and officials have yet to decide whether to turn the building into a memorial or to demolish as it is seen as a constant reminder of the disaster.

This project was funded by Bernard and Anne Spitzer Travel Fellowship for research projects involving travel abroad and incorporating the study of architecture, landscape architecture, or urbanism.
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