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This folklore exhibit, located at the Sendai Mediatheque, showcases the history of natural disaster in Japan as told in folklore style stories.

The African American Family Monument was dedicated in 2002, and stands on River Street. It has an inscription by Maya Angelou, however, the last line in that inscription was not written by Angelou herself. There was a lot of controversy about this…

This project was funded by Bernard and Anne Spitzer Travel Fellowship for research projects involving travel abroad and incorporating the study of architecture, landscape architecture, or urbanism.

Grade school students who were affected by the disaster were asked to share their vision of the recovery after the earthquake and tsunami. It was clear that the children were very hopeful of their future.

The monument depicts hands in shackles, like the shackles of slavery that African Americans have risen from.

Translation of the inscription:

To the fallen victims of the September 17, 1939 Soviet aggression murdered in the East
September 17, 1995

Translated by Pawel A. Slabiak

Grade school students who were affected by the disaster were asked to share their vision of the recovery after the earthquake and tsunami. It was clear that the children were very hopeful of their future.

The graffiti reads "The purpose of government should not be to keep people from achieving anything," to which it seems another person added on "Truth."

Translation of the inscription:

In this area during the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, the 4th group of National Army (Armia Krajowa, AK) "Gurt" engaged in fierce battles for the main railway terminal and surrounding facilities, holding stretches of…

The Ralph Mark Gilbert Civil Rights Museum, named after Mr. Gilbert, one of the leaders of the Savannah civil rights movement, is housed in a building that was once home to the Wage Earners Savings and Loan Bank, one of the largest banks for blacks…
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