Second African Baptist Church
Second African Baptist Church
Memorialization of Urban Slavery in Southern Coastal Cities
slavery; memorials
The Second African Baptist Church was founded in 1802, by Andrew Bryan, Georgia's first African American religious leader and former slave. It was on the steps here where Gen. Sherman read the Emancipation Proclamation, and promised the newly freed slaves "40 acres and a mule." In 1863, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. first gave his "I have a dream" sermon here, which he would repeat during the March on Washington.
This project was funded by Bernard and Anne Spitzer Travel Fellowship for research projects involving travel abroad and incorporating the study of architecture, landscape architecture, or urbanism.
My goal was to research, witness, and record how each of my chosen Southern port cities has dealt with its past in regards to urban slavery, and to begin making a record of this history. Although all of the locations I visited were major hubs of the American slave trade, these cities remain mostly lacking in admitting their full and complete history. The inaccurate and incomplete narratives, lack of memorials, and white-washed histories designed to appeal to the tourist industry do not tell the stories of the slaves in an unbiased and forthright way. So much of what I witnessed revolved around a very racially divided tourist industry, but I know that change is possible. The story of urban slavery is not just the story of African Americans in the United States, but the story of all of us, and the more we can understand this, the better off we all will be.
Whang, Maura
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Whang, Maura
Architecture and City Planning
Savannah, GA
Whang, Maura, “Second African Baptist Church,” Spitzer School of Architecture, accessed September 8, 2024,
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